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I have this problem:

CourseLab is installed in a network, I can't see swf when a press shift + F5.

I can't conect to external link from CourseLab by ifreames neither url links. In some computers it works but after many clicks.

When I use the test and I answer, no matter what it always shows 100%.

It's my first time working on a network, I have create many modules and courses with powerfull tool, I think is something from the server setup and some restrictions in each PC.

Please somebody help me. [:(]

Thanks From Colombia


PD. Sorry by my English.
Hi George,
Lets get a clear idea on what you are doing first.
"CourseLab is installed in a network" Courselab software is designed to be used on a single PC for making the modules. You do have it on your PC and not on a server somewhere else?
**If you have the software on a remote server you can still use it using VNC.
**If you have the modules on a server as long as they are made for CD distribution they should work
**If you have the modules on an LMS then which is it and what version is it?
"I can't conect to external link by iframes or url links"
This could be the individual PCs security settings being a little different or settings at the server. This is really not easy to answer without knowing a lot more about how these have been set up.
You may also find that depending on the remote content the browser is trying to keep you safe by not showing content that is from another domain.
"When I use the test and I answer it always shows 100%"
This might be the way the questions have been set up BUT if you have made them work properly before it isn't so likely. 100% is the normalised score or the completion of the questions?? These are different things and both can be configured to show different results for the same actions by a user.
A bit more detail would be useful George
Que tal George, cuentame que pasa o que problemas tienes con el programa, mi espaсol es nativo y tal vez te ayude con las fallas o en su caso investigue un poco mas. Hay algunas cosas que no me quedan claras de las preguntas que posteas, podrнas re-postear ya en Espaсol con tus palabras para entender mбs el problema?.

Saludos. [:p]
El ъnico problema es que luego Issac muy poca gente serб capaz de ayudarle. El idioma principal aquн es el Inglйs y que es permitir que el mбximo nъmero de personas para leer y entender los problemas de otros.

Language translation software is not so good :(
The basic idea here is to understand his problem and then translate into a more readable comment in English [:rolleyes:]
One part of the question ~ Shift F5
First thing to note is that F5 and Shift-F5 do the same thing, the shift isn't a modifier for the command action. CTRL is though.
So pressing F5 only does anything if the web page was mofified since last viewing.

On FF, IE7, Opera and Chrome.

F5 usually updates the page only if it has been modified at source since the last viewing. The browser usually tries to use all types of cache as much as possible and adds an "If-modified-since" header to the request. Opera differs by sending a "Cache-Control: no-cache".

CTRL-F5 is used to force an update, disregarding any cache. IE7 adds an "Cache-Control: no-cache", as does FF, which also adds "Pragma: no-cache". Chrome does a normal "If-modified-since" and Opera ignores the key.

Netscape which was the first browser to add support for cache-control by adding "Pragma: No-cache" when you pressed CTRL-F5.

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