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Won't open; no white space allowed
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I am unable to open due a file that I have opened prior. The error message states unable to open, line 3, no white space allowed. Any suggestions?
It's a balnk space where it shouldn't be in the xml file that contains the page data.
Open the folder with the content, you are looking for the folder named 1 and in that folder the XML file called runtime and 1. Check both for any blank spaces that don't look like they belong.
Thanks for your quick reply; a pleasant surprise. I actually started over, saved the file and had the same error message. I follow your instructions to runtime and 1, but I'm not what I'm looking for. -?
Any odd characters around the line it indicates, spaces should (usually, probably) be single only.
In this case its reporting whitespace so its most likey missing something.
If you have another module that works open the same files side by side in notepad or some kind of text editor (NOT!! M$ WORD) and compare them. You ought to see a difference.
But/however (always one isn't there) the error might occur later in the nested XML file. Sometimes errors like this are very difficult to find :(
oieee. The same issue occurs with all new modules. After I save them I can't get back in. I'll bet this is a clue:)
You know skee that sounds like a clue to me.
So we maybe need to think file corruption or more likely encoding. Which OS are you using? XP, Vista or Win7
As a starter I'd find one of the saved xml files and open it with notepad.
Then from the drop down file menu select save as. All we want is the requester which should have a selector labelled 'Encoding' which should be ANSI.
I'm having the same issue...I'm on Windows XP. I can create a new course just fine, but then if I save it and close it, the next time I try to open it I get the whitespace message: Line 3, Position 133. I tried the Notepad suggestion above and file encoding is indeed ANSI. Any other suggestions?[:confused:]
Perhaps its the local weather ;) SF is notorious for temerature inversions, or the local salt air.
..... This isn't something that I've experienced BUT it is occasionally reported. Something is being written to the XML file which leads to a misinterpretation, courselab won't open the file as doing so would probablt break a lot of the content that follows.
So we know it's a 'whitespace' so it may be related to the base unicode font set used in windows. If it is then I'd expect to see this more commonly in one country, or countries sharing a common ANSI code set, more than another.
If you can navigate the file to line3 Position 133 you'll find one of around 20 or so characters (a good description is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character )or a blank.
If you manually edit this then it may end up working.
I'm just guessing at the cause but the Unicode character set in use on the PC might well be the problem.
It would be helpful if anyone who has had this problem consistently or on more than one occasion with different modules post which country they are in.
To minimise the chances of this external files, imported images and other files really should be named without any spaces in the file name.
my picture july.jpg should be mypicturejuly.jpg or my_picture_july.jpg.
my document.pdf -> mydocument or my_document.
I'm not really convinced that this is much to do with this as an issue but it is good practice.
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