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protect from piracy
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I plan to distribute the course I am generating at present through agents. How I can I protect the course from piracy (some of the purchasers may not have access to the internet.[:confused:]
Think about it like this Andre, if you go to a web site and view a page you can cut the text and images or snapshot the screen. You then have a copy of whatever you are looking at.
That is how safe any web delivered content is, and how safe your web delivered courses are.
If it's CD based then again anyone can copy screens or copy the cd.
You could make the module on a cd and then encrypt it, it could then unpack to the users PC if they have the password. However they then have a working copy and can do what they want to with it.
It is extremely difficult to secure anything!
So what can you practically do to secure content.
Use a CMS and make sure that you show copyright notices. Users log in and it at least gives you a starting point of knowing who has the potential to copy your content. Of course finding who did and doing anything about it is not simple.
For CD's distribute encrypted copies in self extracting archives as your first tier of security. Also add a unique ID number in a random file within the module or somewhere in each page that identifies that particular copy.
This is probably about all you realistically can do
One way to secure content on the web is to publish it in a secured site like with google site or google docs. Only the user with the correct email can open it, of course, print screen is always an option to destribute content when you already open it, but most people will not do it if you copyright it
Hi All, Yosef "One way to secure content on the web is to publish it in a secured site like with google site or google docs." Yes but this rather misses the point of using software like Courselab to make engaging interactive content. You might as well save the effort and use word or powerpoint.
Nothing that is published on the web is safe from copying, all you can do is try to make it more difficult to copy.
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