Hi Nickj
There is only one message, when i try to open the course.wcl :"this course could not be opened"
But the same course.hta is running.
So it's crazy, because i can see my course but i can't change it! And i need to do.
Since this event, the properties of the course have changed "alone": the program selected to open it was Acrobat Reader 8.
So i put back the Courselab program in the properties. It change the image before the name of the file.
But it still don't open !![:mad:]
Hi Nickj
There is only one message, when i try to open the course.wcl :"this course could not be opened"
But the same course.hta is running.
So it's crazy, because i can see my course but i can't change it! And i need to do.
Since this event, the properties of the course have changed "alone": the program selected to open it was Acrobat Reader 8.
So i put back the Courselab program in the properties. It change the image before the name of the file.
But it still don't open !![:mad:]