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the course coud not be open
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I coud not work anymore because "The course coud not be open "
I don't know why. Coud you help me, please ?
thank youso much.
( I'm sorry, I'm french.)
Hi Sylvie
This is opening a module with courselab to continue editing?
Is there any other part of the message like 'unknown character at line xx'? This can sometimes happen if a illegal character has been accidentally written by courselab.If it is this then you need to find the place this is and change it yourself.
Can you give us a little more information?
Hi Nickj
There is only one message, when i try to open the course.wcl :"this course could not be opened"
But the same course.hta is running.
So it's crazy, because i can see my course but i can't change it! And i need to do.
Since this event, the properties of the course have changed "alone": the program selected to open it was Acrobat Reader 8.
So i put back the Courselab program in the properties. It change the image before the name of the file.
But it still don't open !![:mad:]

OK, the .wcl is quite a simple file, it is basically an xml file that tells courselab where to find the content main file.
What can go wrong is that the encoding gets changed by another program or by windows itself. Vista is really bad for this kind of problem but Win7 can do it too.
Try opening notepad and browse to the folder the module is in. If you open the wcl file you should see a short list of text lines about 27.
If you see it as a long line of text that is not a good start.
Next the first line should be enclosed in angled brackets and question marks. The text should look like this --> xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
This is the most likey problem or the best place to start.

the first line is this one :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

the second line :
<!-- Presentation file, saved 11/15/2011 12:56:42 AM by sylvie using CourseLab 090219 -->

I have windos vista,family version, 2007- service pack 2.

Is it ok ?
Thank you for your help.[;)]
the first line is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Is it correct ?
the second line is : <!--Presentation file, saved 11/15/2011 12:56:42 AM by Sylvie using Courselab 090219-->

I have windows vista 2007 family- service pack2

thank you so much
The arrow quotes will hide the rest of the text Sylvie.
Just get my email adress from the author name and send me the file so I can have a look at it for you.
Hello Nick

The solution is to copy the same file "....wcl", from an old version.
The file is called "....wcl(2)".

When i click on this file : it open the new course !!

It's my gift for christmas !!

So Nick, you can stop searching.
I thank you and wish you an happy christmas.
good bye
As you see the file does not do very much other than to point couselab to the main files making up the module.
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