This is a flash bug in IE9, what you need to do is to add a line of code in moodle that tells IE9 to render in compatibility mode (IE7) and it will work.
Essentially IE9 isn't allowing the data to be passed from the modules API to the LMS.
This has been documented in the Moodle forums and there is also documented fix that has been out since Sept.
Pass this on to whoever runs the admin on the instance of moodle you are using for them to fix this.
I'd also clear the browsers history and caches.
This is a flash bug in IE9, what you need to do is to add a line of code in moodle that tells IE9 to render in compatibility mode (IE7) and it will work.
Essentially IE9 isn't allowing the data to be passed from the modules API to the LMS.
This has been documented in the Moodle forums and there is also documented fix that has been out since Sept.
Pass this on to whoever runs the admin on the instance of moodle you are using for them to fix this.
I'd also clear the browsers history and caches.