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Publishing to CD
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When I publish my course to CD, some of the images will not load. I am able to publish to folder on our network, but when I try to copy from the folder to a CD, still have issues with some of the images. Does this have to do with the source of the pictures I'm using?
All of the links are relative to the page being displayed.
Just copying the complete folder shouldn't change that. Even if you use images from outside of where the module is they are still copied to the module when you publish.
If you look in the folders you have copied are the images there? They are renamed so check the folders using a thumbnails view.
So to check this problem:
Check the images are there
Check they are not external to the module (iframe)
Where you have an image missing right click on the error icon and see what the properties say.
Post what you find here and we'll see if we can sort this out.
I checked the disc, all the images are there; I'm not sure what you mean by iframe. (This is my first attempt at this kind of program, I'm a total novice and don't know the lingo.) I'm not getting an error icon. After opening the program, the page with the first image will get stuck on the "Loading Images X%.." and will not proceed unless you click "Skip Loading." The images that get stuck are usually 90+% loaded. But don't continue to load no matter how long I wait. This doesn't happen with every image, some are displayed.
Hi Lynne, this has cropped up before and it is often related to the image itself. First thing to check is the names of the images, it is usually best to use a simple name in the 8.3 format. The name also shouldn't have odd characters like spaces.
So mypicture.jpg would be good, but mynewpicture.jpeg or my new picture.jpg can give problems.
It also seems to happen sometimes when you do a session of building a module and don't save frequently.
I'd try rediting the module, check the picture names are all just made of text characters.
Check the images are at the size you need on the page and you haven't scaled them down by more than 20-30% (don't add a 10MP picture and then scale it down to 200x150.
Use the Update Objects (from the module drop down) to check all of the page objects are available.
Thanks so much! Shortening the names of the imnages took care of the problem; I used one word names for all the "problem" pictures. [:)] I appreciate your helpful and quick response!
Phew!! Glad that worked for you Lynn.
A handy hint on graphics is if you have used any of the autoshapes in you modulr them make sure that you set the option to save autoshapes as images.
From the drop down menu select Tools/Options then open the publication tab. Click the tick box on.
This saves heaps of problems on non IE browsers.
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