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sequencing order for modules
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Dear All,

Is there a possibility in CourseLab to define a sequencing order for the modules?
I'm testing a course (scorm version 2004) but having problems to keep the modules - previously completed and flagged as "Complete" - tracked by our LMS after relaunching. It seems the tracking is being reseted. I thought to intervene directly in the source files as I've tried to modify the scorm settings through the LMS but the result is always the same.

Thank you in advance.


Hi Eva, there is a SCORM 'simple' sequencing device in Courselab. This is in the Object Library / Simulations and its called Task Controller.
It is VERY difficult to use and I am not sure that anyone has actually used this!!
The new commercial version does have some much simple to use sequencing tools.
I'm not sure where the tracking is being reset, the default action for the module from the API is to restart unless the LMS over rides this where there has been a previous attempt.
It may be related to the LMS, in 2004 you can pass more date from module to LMS but it is still limited. If you have a large module then it might be passing more data than the LMS can handle.
You could make a simple test module with 5 pages and open it on your LMS. Try accessing it several times and advancing one page only before closing. Does the tracking work?
Oh and which LMS are you using?
Thank you very much, will try.

We are using Cobent LCS


Thanks again.

Eva it would be worth looking at the new commercial version, this does have a much simpler interface for the SCORM Simple Sequencing function.
There is also a range of new objects, question types and some very nice page layout options. You also get the screen grab and PPT import bundled in.
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