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Oh, please help. Normally I don't do anything with lms, I leave it to other people but now I have to test my own packages, make surveys etc in moodle.

Which book to read about moodle?

NB: It''s not about how to install or how to develop courses, but specific for register courses, make surveys etc. The lighter backend, so to say.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks, both of you :-)
A really good place to start - http://docs.moodle.org/20/en/Main_page

There is also a ton of help on the forums - http://moodle.org/course/view.php?id=5

Good luck
Hi barend, not ignored your mail but I've just moved house so everything is a bit upside down. I think I've got a moodle basics book somewhere that covers that sort of thing, I'll see if I can find it and post it over to you.
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