I've completed a module in courelab, when I run the evaluation in view module mode its 100% , but when I publish the course in the LMS I get the following error:
[:confused:]ScormApi2004.Setvalue: “cmi.success_status” “ unknown”
When I import the package from courselab using Scorm 1.2 LMS setting into our LMS I get the following error “ScormApi.lesson_status” “na” Incorrect data type
When I import the package from courselad using Scorm 2004 LMS setting it works but then the results ( answers ) are not recorded in the LMS
If I use ExE or Hot potatoes it works fine, I prefer to use courselab as the other programs doesn’t have all the features that courselab have
PS I get the same error using the test course from co
I've completed a module in courelab, when I run the evaluation in view module mode its 100% , but when I publish the course in the LMS I get the following error:
[:confused:]ScormApi2004.Setvalue: “cmi.success_status” “ unknown”
When I import the package from courselab using Scorm 1.2 LMS setting into our LMS I get the following error “ScormApi.lesson_status” “na” Incorrect data type
When I import the package from courselad using Scorm 2004 LMS setting it works but then the results ( answers ) are not recorded in the LMS
If I use ExE or Hot potatoes it works fine, I prefer to use courselab as the other programs doesn’t have all the features that courselab have
PS I get the same error using the test course from co