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ScormApi2004 error
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I've completed a module in courelab, when I run the evaluation in view module mode its 100% , but when I publish the course in the LMS I get the following error:
[:confused:]ScormApi2004.Setvalue: “cmi.success_status” “ unknown”
When I import the package from courselab using Scorm 1.2 LMS setting into our LMS I get the following error “ScormApi.lesson_status” “na” Incorrect data type
When I import the package from courselad using Scorm 2004 LMS setting it works but then the results ( answers ) are not recorded in the LMS

If I use ExE or Hot potatoes it works fine, I prefer to use courselab as the other programs doesn’t have all the features that courselab have

PS I get the same error using the test course from co
OK good question but it's going to be easier knowing what the LMS is.
It's either going to be the implementation of the scorm api in courselab or in the lms.
It is probably fixable, get some more info and add to the strand.
Hi, When I originally uploaded my courseLab modules to Moodle they opened and played just fine (as either Resource > IMS content packages, or as Activity > SCORM/AICC).
However I am now getting an error message, when opening them as a SCORM/AICC activity.

On transition from one slide to the next I get: 'ScormApiCommit: General Excepetion'. All images and videos load and play.

The error message comes whether the module was published for SCORM 1.2 or 2004.
I hope you can give guidance or resolution quickly.
Kind regards
Hi Helena, has someone updated or changed the instance of moodle you're using? For these to have worked OK then to have fallen over is a little odd.
You might want to point whoever looks after your moodle instance at this post -> http://www.courselab.com/db/cle/75AA44088D9D234EC32577650011016A/main_id/DEB1AE8A7B1B3576C3256FCF0055974C/extended/1/sid//did//forum.html
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