I setup 5 text boxes and 10 images. I am having participants drag and drop the correct five images into the appropriate five boxes. Using CHECKHIT, I am testing for the correct drops using the following logic:
VARIABLE(Name=’ p9,Value=’1’, Scope=’current Slide’)
IF(Condition=’#p1==’1’ &&#p5==’1’ &&#p9==’1’1)
DISPLAY(Object=’OBJ_22”, Display=’show’, Effect=’Object’…
Display (Object=’OBJ_38, Display=.show’ …
Each text box has it’s own variable.
If the student gets it right, I get the appropriate object.
If not, I get no
I setup 5 text boxes and 10 images. I am having participants drag and drop the correct five images into the appropriate five boxes. Using CHECKHIT, I am testing for the correct drops using the following logic:
VARIABLE(Name=’ p9,Value=’1’, Scope=’current Slide’)
IF(Condition=’#p1==’1’ &&#p5==’1’ &&#p9==’1’1)
DISPLAY(Object=’OBJ_22”, Display=’show’, Effect=’Object’…
Display (Object=’OBJ_38, Display=.show’ …
Each text box has it’s own variable.
If the student gets it right, I get the appropriate object.
If not, I get no