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move to nxt slide b4 actions hve finished
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Does anyone know what I need to do to make the navigation buttons inoperable (or dislay the red cross) until all of the actions have completed on the slide. Courselab seems to do this automatically with slides that you use the agents on but not the others.
I'm worried people will move on to the next slide without waiting for all the text etc to appear!
Hi Rebecca,

You can find an example of disabled/enabled navigation buttons (scipted version, not timeline version) on Nick's site:
Look for 'Advanced' and then 'Backwards and forwards'.
Excellent - it's always good to have an example. Thanks
Hi, Rebecca,

if your text is appeared by timeline (you can open Timeline panel from the View menu), then Strict Navigation option in navigation objects will work: navigation will be disabled until the end of timeline.
If your text is displayed with some other methods (for example, with blocklists, which have its own "not timelined" mechanism), then you may need to use NAVIGATION action attached to corresponding events.
Thanks for this.
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