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Complete Status Problem
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I have a course with 3 modules and I have a problem. I have stablished in each module 2 rules:
"total": Success "Unknown, Completion "Incomplete"
"total": Success "Unknown, Completion "Complete"

When I test the course in the LMS, the completion status change to Complete for all the modules when I just visited all the slides of the first one. It is a strange behavior :S

I really appreciate your help

Hi, Maria,

perhaps it is LMS issue. Please make sure that you have entered different module codes when published course. If the module codes are the same, LMS may count them as one object.

Go into the properties for your 2nd rule (the one saying complete) and set the conditions to read "Slides Visited from "Slide_1 to Slide_N"" where N would equal the last slide. Set this for each of the 3 modules, and you should be good to go...

One other note... It might be necessary to set different objectives for each module, otherwise completing the 1st may set all three to completion in the LMS. Especially, if the objective is called "Total" under each module...[:)][:D]
The 2nd rule has the condition of ""Slides Visited from "Slide_1 to Slide_N"" where the N is the last one. I think the problem is he name of the objective, which is called "total" under each module :S...

I tried to stalblish a new objective as the module objective but i can't because this checkbox is disable. Is there a way to add a new module objective or to change the name for the "total" objective module?


I changed the name of the objectives :)

I will check if this solve my problem ;)

Hi again...

I changed the names of the objetives and it works, but I still have a problem: when I see just the "Title slide" from each module and then y close the module, the completion status from all the modules except the last one I visited change to "complete".

How can I solve this? I can't permit this becuase then people in my course will pass the course without look it :(
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