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Reference to external links
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Used few reference links as Hyperlink text in Course. It is working fine when I view Module from Courselab. But when packed as SCORM 1.2, it does not open the IE for the external site, but closes the existing LMS window. Can anybody tell me why this happens and how to fix this issue?

It could be several things, browser security settings will often give peoblems with cross domain references. So it might be the security settings on the local browser, it gets more extreme as you move onto the newer versions.
It might be security settings in the LMS itself.
Also the call for the page needs to explicity open in a new window rather than try to open in the existing one. That would probably shut down the SCORM API.
What is in the external sites anyway... Do YOU have control over them so that the content you see remains static and available at the same address for the lifetime of your package??
If not then it is rather hopeful of you to expect the references to remain constant.
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