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SCORM course - limitation on slides
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Created a course using CourseLab with 37 slides and once I published as SCORM compliant (SCORM 1.2), it is only displaying till 20 slides and after that gives Nextslide:InValidArguement. Please let me know how I can fix this

Hi Kalyani
The SCORM 1.2 content aggregation model doesn't place a limit in the minimum or maximum size of an SCO so it isn't that your module is too big.
There are some limitations with 1.2 itself which could cause problems depending on what you are capturing of the users interactions,
There are sometimes limitations imposed by the LMS.
But to be honest this sounds like a courselab problem. Try running the module from your original files within courselab and check it works OK.
Clean up your files by telling courselab to remove un-needed files then recheck
Then make a new zip package and replace the original on the LMS with it.
Thanks Nick. I think removing unneeded files helped me to close this issue. Thanks for your quick help.
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