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Custom Buttons
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Hello. I am new to CourseLab and I am trying to create a button that sends me to the first page of the course. I want the button to have all the features of the button meaning to have other shape when onclick, mouseover or standard etc. Moreover, I would like it to be inactive when the user is in the first page. Is there any way to do it with CourseLab? Thanks a lot.
Hi, Pkallonis,

1. you need to create 3 button images (for each state) in any graphic editor.
2. place the images on the master slide in the z-order: disabled - normal - mouseover
3. set initial display state for normal and mouseover images "no"
4. set up action on normal button on mouseover event:
DISPLAY (mouseover button ID, display)
5. set up actions on mouseover button:
- mouseout:
DISPLAY (mouseover button ID, hide)
- click:
DISPLAY (mouseover button ID, hide)
DISPLAY (normal button ID, hide)
GOTO (first slide ID)
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