Very new to this software, so this may be a dumb question - If so IAIA.
I have an agent on a slide that I want to 'speak'. I have set the sound property(?) of the agent & set it not to start straight away.
In the action block on the timeline of the frame in which I need the speech to start I have called the 'perform action' method with the parameter set to Talk.
The instructions either side of this method call work but the agent does nothing.
The sound file does not play, and the agent remains idle (I'm assuming that the mouth should animate).
Can anybody give me any clue as to where to start with the solution to this problem?
Many thanks in advance,
Very new to this software, so this may be a dumb question - If so IAIA.
I have an agent on a slide that I want to 'speak'. I have set the sound property(?) of the agent & set it not to start straight away.
In the action block on the timeline of the frame in which I need the speech to start I have called the 'perform action' method with the parameter set to Talk.
The instructions either side of this method call work but the agent does nothing.
The sound file does not play, and the agent remains idle (I'm assuming that the mouth should animate).
Can anybody give me any clue as to where to start with the solution to this problem?
Many thanks in advance,