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Google Chrome and Safari
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I've tested my works in IE and Firefox. It works, but it can't run on Google Chrome and Safari. What should we do to make it run on both last browsers?
Thanks a lot.
Hi, Agung,

Probably you have tried to launch modules from local disk. Chrome and Safari do not allow loading of XML from local disk (by security reasons, I think). If you place module on the web server it will work.
I'm actually having the same problem, but publishing to my LMS (web) did not help. Maybe something in my Chrome settings? Does anyone else have information on this?
Thanks, that's good to know, I didn't know ;-)
For testing I can reccomend Abyss Webserver: free, small, windows. Easy to install with PHP. Bandwith configurable, which might be handy sometimes.
XAMPP is another good option to run as a server, you can also put one or two LMS's on it to test modules and play with generally.
I also noticed my (first) module doesn't run on chrome.
I decided it's a pity for those few people who use it.

In fact I favor firefox, but noticed my course doesn't show the next button because FF bars seems little bit higher then IE. I decided the student should use IE for this version of the course; in the next I'll update it so it fits in FF.

Anybody has hints & tips for use in FF in 1024x768?
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