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publishing to the web
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I have developed some modules that will be opened from a web page. The course+modules have been published (CD format as LMS not available). We have tried a few things but the modules as hta applications dont seem to run on some computers. The html type does open in a browser window but it does not look as user friendly as when you access modules from the main autorun startup page. My hope was to have the modules open in a separate window (like what happens in the how to section of this site)without all the browser bars. How is this done? Any information on how this is done/suggestions for uploading to a web page would be greatly appreciated, including changes that need to be made to design or runtime settings in the actual editing copy of the course.
publish to CD;
open autorun.html
copy the function OpenModule to your own html page and use it.

study this function: it is an example how to open a seperate browserwindow with only the minimum of menus and bars.
thanks, could you please expand on the second point. Have forwarded the info to my web team.
Just made a photo of an octopus, about 2 meters deep, snorkeling.
But your question [;)]

Using javascript you can open a new browser window (popup window); in fact that is what autorun.html does when you click to open the module.

You will find numerous examples if you google for 'javascript window.open'. With parameters you can hide or show scrollbars, iconn bar etc.
autorun.html also uses this function: it opens 1/start.html in a new window without icon bar etc.

You may use this function in your own page in which the student makes a choice which module to open.

I hope I could explain it a little; if not don't hesitate to ask. When back from snorkeling or the bar, I'll be glad to answer any questions [:D]
Is it possible to embed courselab into a wiki? If so, how to get the code?[:confused:]
Of course you can Merike, its just a set of web pages. There's planty of how to's on how to manupulate web pages (some fairly basic html) which it sounds like you need to be learning about more than anything.

Barend what was this octopus doing snorkeling?? LOL You weren't in the bar for a few too many where you.
Sam if you have a web team then they should be able to grasp this really easily. They just need to open the file in a new window. Just have them remember that you don't want anything but the close button.
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