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How can I rescue the value of my test on the Current Results?
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I need your help. How can I rescue the value of my test on the Current Results item after I have left the module and come back to them?

For exemple I did the test and my score was 7 from 10, I saw my score and leave the module, some days later, I forgot my score and I decided to check it again [:)], but when a access the module on the item Current Results displays the following error "CallMethod: q_101_currentresult Constructor 'g_oSCO' is null or not is a object".
How can I treat this error?

Hi, Carolina,

It seems that you are using module under some LMS, right? This can mean, that you are not defined any rules on module completion status and your module is always "not attempted" - please look at the Module runtime settings menu. Or saved data obtained from LMS is damaged.
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