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Repeating a Test...
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Hi there,
i have a question about creating tests. I created a test that has to be passed to get on with the course. That works pretty good so far. After the last question a pop up tells the user to go on or to start over again with the first question depending on he fullfilled the test-object or not. But going back to the first question of the test the test-object is not at 0 but on the score the user had finishing the last try. How can I set the score of the test-Object to 0. I tryed the action Set Score but it didn't work. The current result box always shows the points achieved last time and going on adding the new scores to it (that makes it too easy passing the 2nd test for sure)
Hi Axel,

There is option which you can select i.e "recurring approaches" under limitaions and scoring, this enables to reset stored result and answer the question once again...
Hi Kapil,
i did check that box but recurring the test the old scores remain...
HI Axel,

Which object are you using to display result or score ? is it 'Current Result' or 'Results by Objectives' ?

In both this object case they wont reset or refresh the score automatically, you will need to add a method 'Refresh' in action using test as an event to refresh the score.

Alternatively you can hit the refresh button on the module before attempting 2nd time...
Well thanx for the help...i got it now. The refresh did the work. In addition i used "Set Score" with all the object Id's of my questions (it was not a test object but seperate questions)
and set score to 0. now it works perfect...thanx
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