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My course doesn't work properly
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I created a course and I upload it into Moodle 9. It didn't work neither in SCORM nor in LMS. So I tried as a normal web page inside Moodle. It works perfectly in my computer, but not in others. I've tried in different operating systems Windows XP Windows Home or Vista and in some ones the format is changed (letter, pictures, links, size of the window) In others the sound doesn't work. Sometimes it appears a message "The Windows Media Player doesn't find the specified file...." I don't know what to do.

I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
This might be one of the problems that moodle 1.9 is having with zip files. Often smaller files are ok bigger ones fail, this seems to happen at around 35MB file sizes, but it can happen at different sizes.
One fix seems to be to changing the moodle server so it uses the executable zip command rather than the usual php zip utilities.
AFIK this problem is still present in version 1.9.2 of moodle.
Another work around is to unpack the file on moodle using the 'editing scorm/aicc' window. When unpacked select the package file as the imsmanifest.xml. That way it doesn't have to unzip it so the executables/utlities problem is no longer an issue.
Before you save or generate the SCORM package hit the update module objects (from the module drop down menu) and the file should end up where it needs to be. You can also check the zip post production to see if the file is actually present if not just drop it into the zip and it'll be OK.

Thank you very much for your reply. I tried the three options and nothing worked. I think that the audio files don't play because the link is something like C:\MyComputer\MyCourse\1\images\audiofile.wav and when I use the course in a different computer it doesn't find the link. Is there a way to solve this issue? Another thing is that when I generate the SCORM package into CourseLab it doesn't work in Moodle (it appears a message "Sorry, the requested file could not be found") I tried with reload but some activities such as drag and drop don't work properly. What else can I do? Thanks in advance.
Try non SCORM package, but AICC LMS
Hi everybody!

Thank you very much for your help. I've been working on my project and I found the mistake. It was the location of the audio files. Now the sound and images are shown perfectly the only problem to solve is the SCORM issue. I tried the AICC LMS but not all the activities specially "drag and drop" work fine. I'll continue checking. Thank you.
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