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How to change course size according to screen resolution?
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I want to change course size according to screen resolution.

1] How should I give the course size in % ? bacause in course lab design settings of course accepts only numeric values.

If I want to insert image some structure into course and I want to change their height and width according to resolution.
Is it possible in CourseLab? If yes then How?

Please tell me the solution because I want to do same in my course.

Thanks & Regards

Hi Varsha,

Once you have choosen your template and created the module, select menu Module – Design Settings or use Alt-F7 key combination.Here you can change the height and width as you want.(Refer courselab user guide.pdf page 13/14)

2. Yes, if your inserting image, you can change its dimensions depending upon its quality and size.

For more details you can download the Courselab user guide on How To's...


Hi Varsha
As Kspil points out, Yes you can change the overall height and width of the modul you make. In real life it is esier to build content that works on the lowest resolution screens it is likely to be used on (800x600)then it WILL work on everything larger than that.
Making the overall size proportional could be done BUT the contents are all absolutely scaled and positioned. This means the dispay area can be bigger but the location of objects within it are fixed once positioned.
Dynamic rescaling of objects is not as easy to implement as it at first looks, the real problems occur when it ends up bigger or smaller than you designed at which point the layout falls to pieces. The browsr used will also have an influence on this as it will use its own internal rule set to interpret the data before it renders it. Making the content stay the same between browsers on its own can be quite an achievement on its own.
If you really want to do this to the content then you would have to re-write the modules XML content by hand but expect parts to fail!!
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