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Gestures from agents scenarios not shown when published
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No matter the publishing method selected, some gestures of agents (aplauds, attention, smile etc.) from scenarios are shown just as blinks of all content. This can be viewed on http://www.courselab.com/UploadedCourses/3AF693DF7D8EAC7DC32574F900362040/90F12FC2FB828A84C32574F90052FF4B/1/start.html
When I tried publishing to CD and played, the message said that effect- .swfs are prohibited due to security settings (they are considered as Internet files called from local file, I suppose)

There are also no transparent backgrounds for agents when course is published.
Please someone tell me how this issue could be resolved. Thanks in advance.
This happens only in browsers not supporting script languages other than JavaScript, for CourseLab includes the VBScript sequences. Are there any settings in CourseLab to impose using JavaScript commands equivalents instead?
The java script interpreters are quite browser specific, generally they handle things very similarly.
VBscript is IE specific and uses propriety code, where handled by other browsers it doesn't act in quite the same way if at all. It really an MS device and not an international standard other than by being used on the MS Explorer platform.
Again it's the question of which browser do you aim the code at (without adding a lot more to handle exceptions and constantly update it so it keeps working) and unfortunately IE Explorer is the most common.
Unless everyone actually uses and implements standards from WC3 then this is always going to happen.
Add a warning like 'This content is best viewed on MS Explorer 5 onwards, full functionality is not guaranteed on other other web browsers'
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