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Course cannot be opened
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I'm a newbie to courselab.

Trying to open a course but its giving the message "Course cannot be opened" and its not showing as a wcl file.

Could you help?
Hi Eve
First of all is this a course you are in the procress of making or one that you have published?
Is it still in the same place it was created, you haven't moved it have you?
Can you post a bit of background because there are a few reasons for this happening.
The course is already made and being edited. I'm not able to give much information as I inherited the system from a someone else and I think she was having the same problem when she made changes to the course and then went back to open it again I think she has even started again because she wasn't able to find her original file. So it may have been moved a couple of times - I think!
Hi Eve,
OK.. First of all the modules BEFORE they are published can be sensitive about the paths the objects use. For example if you had a module in C:/samples/module and then moved it to D:/New_samples/module it will either fail to load or usually gracefully update.
It can get a little confused if you have made the module with an early version, moved it and then open it with a different version of Courselab. Again often it will load and update but sometimes it won't :(
Sometimes the manifest just gets corrupted and refuses to load in which case you are a little stuck. I know that Slav has fixed a few for people in the past.
So what can you do??
First I assume that you do have all of the resource files together, the images etc.
If not don't panic as Courselab does tend to add them to the module as you go so they will be somewhere!!
Next use a file explorer to open the main folder and you'll find a few more. Look for one called " 1 "
Open this and inside it there's a file called " 1 ", you want to read the contents of this. Use notepad or something similar.
You should find a readable file, this is XML a bit like a flat file database. Look at line 3 where it says file="x:\xx\xx It should be the same place as you have the module on your system.
Have a look and report back on if they do match.
Hi Nick,

I have the same problem, I ve made the things you said, and I saw that the file is not placed on the same place on the system. What is the next step?

Best regards,

Just to be safe make a copy of the whole module.
Ignore the folder called course images, the contents are javascripts and are called by courselab so function where they are called from, they aren't location specific.
The files you need are in the folder called 1
First open up the file 1.xml using notepad or something similar... DON'T use a full word processor like Word!!!
Search and replace for links that begin with the old file locations and replace with the current location.
You'll find quite a few of these.
The first reference will be on line 3 and look like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\cloze sub\cloze activity\1\1.xml
You want to replace this with the location of the file (the one you have open).
The first part C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\ is where the module is and is the part to correct.
The rest will mostly be pointing to the location of elements that the module uses which will be in the course images folder and look like:
C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\cloze sub\cloze activity\1\images\min_turq_next_off.gif
Again the path to the folder needs to be changed to reflect where the file is now.
So again the C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\ is the part to correct.

Save the file when done.

Now with a bit of luck the module will open. You may need to update the files and correct any oddities still left.
I think my problem with the course not opening has now been resolved.
It seems as though if you need to edit a course that someone else has created it will always live in their files. So if you make changes to a course that someone else created and save it, it will revert back to their files (the person that originally created it). Be careful when you are creating a new course. At the start make sure that your course is located in the file where you want it to be located as it may default to the last person who last created a CourseLab course on the computer that you are working on. Hope that makes sense.
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