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How do I create a hotspot
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Can someone please explain the process for activating a hotspot!!!!!????[:confused:]
The other way is to create a click area from the Design section of the Object pallette (Insert -> Object)

Use the actions as Nick has outlined above
A hotspot
OK What is a hotspot? In courselab virtually anything can act as a hotspot, so a section of diplay, a graphic object, a section of text can equally be a hotspot.
How do you make it work? You assign an action to it.
Say you want an action to happen when the user enters the boundary of the object.
Right click on the object, select the actions option. To check the mouse is in the object you want a onmouseover event. Now what happens depends on the action you select.
In the same way you can check for mouse clicks, using onmousedown. The click event is then the trigger for something to happen.
It's is really quite easy to do Sara, play and see what happens.
Thanks Nick

Is it possible to get another object to appear when the user hits the hotspot? I've tried assigning a display action but when I view the module the image I've assigned to display shows on the frame. Any suggestions or tips on achieving this???!!!![:cool:]
Easy Sara.
First decide on your hotspot and the object it will reveal.
Add the hotspot and then also add the object you want to appear.
You want to set an action for the entire page first of all to hide the object you want to see.
So select the frame from the thumbnails, right click and select actions. Using a BEFOREDISPLAY event DISPLAY action hide the pop up object. Now when the page starts it is hidden.
Your hotspot will have a action, ONCLICK or ONMOUSEOVER with another DISPLAY event that switches the object on when you click or has it appearing when the mouse pointer is over the hotspot.
That should be enough clues to get you going [;)]
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