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After i load the SCORM1.2 course in a LMS(ATutor LMS), i want to open the couse in a window without displaying the URL(address) for the course for security. Please inform me if how to do the above
(Note: If not i can copy the URL and bypass the LMS and access the private course without payment)
When i run the module in my PC with the couselab tool, it is displayed in a popup (not in a browser) but when i load the course in a LMS it opens in a browser.
Please inform me how i can open in a popup instead of opening in a browser
Hi Srinivas,
You should go and read the documentation for A-Tutor.
When the modue is running in an LMS then the LMS provides the container/window for it. How the LMS handles this depends entirely on how that LMS is configured.
A-Tutor might not be the best choice in any case, it is still AFIK running with the now very old 1.2 standard API. It will support most of 1.3 as it was just an extension to 1.2 but falls over when you use 2004.

The answer is RTFM

Oh Yes and also

Again configuration, you should have a-tutor list that the course object exists and is available but access to it is only for specific and authorised users, that is you pay you can open it, don't and you cannot.

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