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Variables in CourseLab
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Hi all,
I've got another problem while using CourseLab. I want to make a variable or somewhat (any object?) to keep the value of a test/ group of questions so that I will know when the student can learn next module and when he/she cannot. I made an implicit rule that if the student has not passed the test of Chapter 1 yet, he/she will not be able to learn the next module (Chapter 2) via an event of popping up a message that indicates "You cannot learn Chapter 2 until finishing the test of Chapter 1" or close the entire learning environment immediately when student clicks on the first module of chapter 2 while he/she hasn't finish the Chapter 1 test. I implemented this by creating a variable on the last question of the Chapter 1 test with the Event property 'On Success' and 'On Failure' with a variable named "tmp_Result" and set its value equal to zero if happening the Action IF SCORE (Objective = 'total, source = '', condition='<',Score= '50'). On the first slide of Chapter 2 module, with the event 'beforeDisplay', I set the condition IF(Condition='#tmp_Result==0')then popping up the above message. But it doesn't work properly. Where is the wrong thing, can anyone help me?
Thanks so much.


Did you set the varibale to be available throughout the module or just on that slide ?

I have used a similar concept by setting the variable to 1 on the last slide of Chapter 1 and it works.


Thanks Bob.

I have already set the scope of the variable to entire module. But maybe I structured each Chapter ('folder' concept in CourseLab) has some units, each unit is a separated module and has some slides, so the variable may not go through chapter to chapter. I'll try again.

Hi hiepllp,
i'm looking for some examples about all variables uses. Do you where? I'd like to create a collections of objects controlls about all types of instructions. So i'll upload for comunity. Thanks
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