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HELP with actions and hot spots
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Help - I a new to courselab anad whilst i am very proficient with MS OFffice applications I dont understand the objects commands properly and am not sure how to do what I want to do - I want to create lots of different things but the one that is really stumping that Ineed to crteate like yesterday is an interactive page where I have a picture that can then have spots appear in certain places and as each spot appears I the want an automated pop up window or ballon to show that tell sthe viewer what the name of the particular part of th picture where the spot has appeared is. I then want each balloon or pop up and spot to dissapear as the next spot & pop up text box/balloon appears on screen. Then at the end of the diagram sowing all the spots and descriptions I want all the spots on their own to appear at once before the learner moves to the next window.[:confused:]
Choose Changes?? Odd name that...

OK think like in powerpoint, objects can appear on a timeline.
Courselab also has a timeline that you can use in the same way. The timeline can then be used to make the objects appear and disappear in the order you wish


Hi thanks for your reply - I have since found out how to ue some of the actions in courselab and got things working that way afer a lot f trial and error - I like the sound of the timeline but I dont nderstand how to use it?[:confused:]
hi carol,

If I understood right, select the Format Object and then Dispaly, there you ll find different things that you can use to appear or dissapear ...balloons(e.g.).
best regards,
It's probably pretty much as you have been doing if you are using actions to make things happen.
So as Diana says you can have an object or objects on the page thatare hidden to begin with and then have it appear at a certain time after the page has loaded.
Perhaps a series of pictures which open in sequence or even disappear to reveal text underneath, a count down 5 4 3 2 1 GO.
It can add a very nice dynamic feel to a page that doesn't rely on the viewer to initiate without using large animated sequences in flash or as GIF type files.
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