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How to view the results of each question in a test
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Excuse me, but anyone can help me solve this problem.
I created a test with some questions, how can I view the statistical results of each one to know which is the student's correct answer and which is the incorrect one when the course has been published on the LMS? I used IBM Workplace Collaborative Learning v2.7. Does CourseLab support the view of this type?

Thank you very much!
The IBM Learning platform hasn't popped up here before that I remember anyway.
The answer as with all of these is that it depends entirely on the LMS and Courselab.. Do they actually communicate as they should?
In theory Courselab passes this kind of thing and it is up to the LMS to capture it for your use.
I'd suggest a search of this forum for SCORM and LMS, there are a few worthwhile strands on both of these. Also try the same question on the IBMs user forum.
Nick :)
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