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Error When Playing Package on LMS
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I get the following error in a popup box when I try to run a Courselab SCORM package on Docebo (& Dokeos) LMS: CallMethod: media_003_video TickTimer undefined.

I'm Using CourseLab 2.4 on Docebo & Dokeos 1.8.5 on two different WAMP (XAMPPLite 1.6.7) local installs w/ Win XP Home, Apache 2.2.9, MySQL 5.0.51b & PHP 5.2.6.

The package attempts to play after clearing the pop-up box but the agent does not work correctly, failing to execute several of the defined methods. I checked playability of the package by unzipping to my hard drive & it works just fine that way. I'm stumped. Can someone please shed some light on this?


hi allen,
we got actually the same error (with courselab in moodle though) when played with firefox. otherwise there was no problem with ie, so i guess it's some browser peculiarity[:(] anyhow, since then, our instructions to users included the "best with ie"[:p][;)]
Hey thanks for the heads-up. That was the ticket. Bummer, tho. I hope they resolve the incompatibility soon since that would qualify as a bug.

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