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javascript: reading varible from remote page
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I wish to arrange to start a module via-url within a web page. Upon module start up I want to read a javscript varible set in the original web and store as global courselab varible. Is this possoble? How?

thanks much.
You've got to ask why??? There are increasing security barriers to doing this kind of thing built into browsers. If these happen to be on different servers you start major alarm bells ringing both within the browser and often JVM. Why?? Because it looks the same as a possible injection attack on the PC.
The idea of the modules is that they are stand alone structures, everything that is either vital or important is self contained.
Hello Nickj

The pages will be on the same PC, possibly served by a remote server. I guess I should not have used the term "remote" in the previous message.

I want to check a variable to determine whether the user has been authenticated against a database table. If user has been authenticate DO x else to Y.

thanks for any suggestion

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