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Creating Parallel and Sequential Actions
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I'm new to courseLab. Love it of course. I've scoured the user guide and blogs for an answer. I want to create a combination of parallel and sequential actions for an object, such as moving two or more items in a frame simultaneously in response to a single mouse click. I can see how to add the SEQUENTIALLY and PARALLEL actions to the Actions panel, but there are no configuration options for either. How do I arrange the PARALLEL and SEQUENTIALLY actions in the actions panel around the other actions in order to indicate which are sequential and which are parallel? Thanks!
I think you'll find that these tags affect the action or sequence of actions that follow them.
So if you set sequentially the actions follow one after the other and parallel will allow concurrent actions.
So say a click is to move two objects one after the other you'd have an onclick > sequential > move a > move b
To do this at the same time onclick > parallel > move a > move b

LOL I might be totally wrong though :)
I appreciate the response. Naturally I've tried all the possible configurations and mixtures of PARALLEL/SEQUENTIALLY entries on the Actions panel, along with the desired move/resize actions, but nothing seems to have any effect at all. I'm beginning to wonder if this feature is actually enabled at all in the software.
Hi Scott I'll have a play with these.
The sequential is a bit trucky to prove or disprove as a sequence of events will flow through in the defined sequence. It is by its construction sequential.
The concurrent will be a bit more obvious if it works!!
I'll get back to you on this unless Slav or one of the development team get in first.
Ok, I am a complete tool. Upon observing one of Bob Price's tutorials from the Friends of CourseLab web site, I realized the trick is to INDENT all the applicable actions under a particular PARALLEL or SEQUENTIALLY entry in the Actions panel. I had assumed the indent button was for visual organization of the code only (proving once again what "assume" does). Thanks to all on the CL team for a great application and special thanks to Mr. Price for the tutorials.
LOL I was going to point that one out.

From a post pre 2.4 release
"PARALLEL (launching actions in parallel threads, can be combined with SEQUENTALLY to build quite complex action schemes)"

I think that there is more potential to exploit in these actions
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