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Moving the folder of a course
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Hi there,

I have created a course in courselab but when I try to move the folder to another place in my computer the course do not open anymore. Somebody knows how can I solve this?


When you are trying to move the folder, are you copying all the folders? I mean the folders of images too. You need to copy the entire package to other place. I have copied my course at different places on my m/c as well as different m/c and didn't face such problem.

Unfortunately in my case it is not working. I don't get to move/rename the folder.

if I move the entire folder I can't open the file and the program closes by itself.

I will try to install the courselab again.

You should find this in an older post though it wasn't actually about moving folders.
Courselab uses two methods of linking files at different stages of the modules life.
When you're creating it the links are (or were) ABSOLUTE so if you move it Courselab looses track of everything.
Once published the links are converted and become RELATIVE to the root file.

This is actually quite common on development platforms.

You could make a batch file to sequentially change the absolute addresses from say
d:/course archive/.....
so it matches the new location.

I tend to have a fixed set of locations for development so my files are where I want them to be. Projects move out to archive and then back for further work. Possibly being a bit more 'old school' I expect things to break if they're moved between folders or drives.
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