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power point import
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i used courselab2.4 an i want to Buy PowerPoint Import Pack ut i had 1 question:
when i used Example of PowerPoint presentation import. M1 Abrams and publish it to moodle the shape (like arrow,.......etc) doesn't appear!!!
is the problem from the version of moodle or another reason ??
when convert ppt to scorm text also convert to shape is there any solution to not convert to shape?

thank you
hi again
i have asked an question and no answer yet so i will asked this question again...
when i import ppt into courselab the images in ppt became shape and doesn't appear when i load course into moodle
i need urgent help pleaaaaaaaaaaase [:confused:]
The problem was from explorer
fire fox dosen't display shape
IE display it and no problem appear

That's true - PowerPoint presentations can have some IE only features.
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