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sound throughout more than one Frame
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I have a slide with multiple frames for which I want a sound file (mp3) that continues for the entire slide (not just for one frame). I've got a talking head with the sound attached to it, and buttons for navigating to different displays (each display is on a different frame). But when the user clicks a button (at my suggestion in the sound file), the sound is just gone for the new frame - as is the Talking Head (even though i specifically set the head for "rest of slide" in Format Object). Is this some kind of bug? I noticed that if the slide transitions automatically from one frame to the next, the head is displayed for the entire slide.

If anyone can give me some advice, I'd appreciate it.

Hi, Mati,

Not sure if it is bug (Talking Head disappeared), but to assure, that Talking Head is always visible, you can add simple DISPLAY (Talking Head object) action on every Frame (onafterdisplay).
To assure that sound will play all the slide, you can try to use Video clip object in hidden mode (it can play audio files too).
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