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Error capturing SCORM Information using firefox
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I'm a developer working on a new SCORM 1.3 compliant LMS.
We are testing CourseLab compatibility, and I found a little problem, running on FireFox (is working fine under IE, and no other testing yet) when closing the CourseLab window, the Commit function is being called once after the Terminate function call. This raise an error (of course), any Ideas about what can generate this problem?

The information from the Quiz is captured correctly.

Any help will be appreciated.


Hi, Javier,

Perhaps the reason is different onunload event handling in IE and FF. AFAIR, there was no onunload event support in FF some time ago, so we have not tested unload behaviour in FF a long time. Please let me know some details: FF version and the way you are closing the module - with native Windows close button or with CourseLab "Close module" object?

Thanks for your response.

FF version:
I'm closing the module using the "close module" object, that was automatically added in the template.

I'm not using a standard window, so there is not native close. I'm showing the module in a frame, inside an IFrame. The IFrame page, is the one holding the SCORM API implementation, and the terminate function close the window if called (after doing a commit). I have a button to close the Iframe, and if I use it, I don't get the error (it works fine).

Out of interest what DTD are you defining for the base document?
Sorry, I don't understand... What you mean with DTD? (I'm new as Courslab user)
The DTD is the basic page declaration for an HTML document, it defines what the page can contain and how the contents work. While not mandatory it is highly recommended to ensure that a web page is interpreted consistently.
An example of this is DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
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