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Total time spent in a lesson
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Good afternoon,
i am an italian user and i am trying the software.
Someone knows how it possible retrive the total time spent to the inside of the form from the system LMS (in this Docebo).
The standard scorm expects a variable one that contains the total time spent to the inside of the scorm object. How is possible to retrive it with courselab ??
Hi Antonio,
This question cropped up last Dec 2007, at the time Slav reported back that:

"In fact, the question time (latency) is collected by question (or test) object, but it is not easily accessible from run-time. It is sent to LMS in SCORM 2004 "cmi.interactions" array. But unfortunately, I still don't know any LMS can build reports on these parameters."

So Couselab does make these available but they aren't being picked up. I'd advise checking the Docebo forums to see what is said about this there.
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