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How named file? (Flash video bug)
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We know the FLV files will not be published to whith version 2.4 and so it's necessary copy media_005_flv file in the module to, the files go into the folder /1/images/.

But, how named file?

My video still in "preloanding" status....

i.e. dog.flv --> media_005_flv_dog.flv
After some trial & error I've got flv videos running OK on my slides.
When courselab publishes files, it omits to add the media_005_flv directory to 'images'. This directory is in your working, runtime files (find them by looking at the slide from inside the courselab IDE then looking in windows explorer for the most recent files saved). This directory contains the flvplayer and associated files. But, even after copying the media_005_flv directory, I was only getting the 'preloading' message. By using an alternative flvplayer (renamed to player0.swf) I got the video playing just fine. There are a few flv players available, just put the one you like into the media_005_flv directory and rename it. These different players do use different variable names, I had to edit my runtime.xml to alter some of these (eg changing objWidth to width). [:)] Its a bit fiddly, with editing the runtime.xml after publishing, but it seems to do the job. I can supply a working link if requested.
I'm in desperate need of a working example of that.

Can you send me that link please?

Hi olo, sorry I didnt reply earlier I've been away for a week. I've emailed you a working example of using a different flv player, and also the sourcecode. Graeme
Hi Graeme,
Can you mail me them to stick on the friends of courselab website [:D]

njames @ gotadsl . co . uk

I'm also very interested in using FLV. Would you send me a link to your solution?
Thanx very much

Does anyone have an example of a published slide with an flv file on it? The instructions to rename the file arent clear and it hasnt worked on the variations I have tried. Thanks!
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