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Actions on test results...
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Hi All,

Can any one help me with some actions following display of test results (Results by objectives).

I've created a test using the standard test in 2.4. This has an action (on test end) which goes to the next screen, which displays the results by objectives etc.

However, I cannot get this results screen to display a "well done etc" messages if the test (Total score) is passed. I've tried using variables as described by Slav in JJ's thread with no luck.

So, I'm currently using the "IF SCORE" action on the "Results by Objectives" object to display a "Well done you passed message" as follows:

IF SCORE (Objective ='Total', Source ='$CurRes_ID.rawScore',Condition='>=',Score='72')
DISPLAY(Object='OBJ_243',Display ='Show', Effect='Object'...)

Can anyone verify that this is the correct action/series of actions or recommend something else.

Thanks for giving this your attention.

Kind regards,

Hi Frank,

Source parameter is not for scores or any other numbers - it defines score subset inside selected objective. In fact, it is additional parameter - it is not needed in most cases. If you want to compare total objective score - just omit this parameter (leave it blank). I.e.:

IF SCORE (Objective ='Total', Source ='', Condition='>=', Score='72')
DISPLAY(Object='OBJ_243',Display ='Show', Effect='Object'...)

Also please look at CourseLab Help (Action section, IF SCORE document).
Great, thanks Slav! Much appreciated.

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