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Alter Test
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I am a bit new to CourseLab, but have managed to make my own template using my graphics, and altering the various XML documnets.

I am trying to alter some of the default settings for the test along with the name of the object to "Test" from "Tect".

Some of the features I would like to change are:

Default Warning messages
Texts (Texts tab in the Test window)
Dislpay/Skin to Rounded from Basic
Question/Scoring tab/regressive
Default placement position for other objects

Many of the texts seem to be in the object.dat file, but I would like more information.

Thank you


Hi, Greg,

Perhaps it would be easier to create template in WYSIWYG mode and then save it into My Templates (menu Tools - Add module to My Templates).
Simplest way to have your own object templates (with all needed settings set) is to include all these objects into your template and then save it into My Templates. After that you can always copy object into new place (all settings will be copied too). Maybe not straightforward, but it works.
We plan to improve that in newer versions.
Thank you for your feedback.

When do you anticipated a new version with these features?

Is there a way to edit the object.dat file and maintain course integrity?

Thank you again for your comments.
Sounds like you ought to post this and your experiences when I get the wiki working Greg.
The advantage being that if your changes are open then they are more likely to be incorperated in Courselab itself in future releases. Plus you open the field for others to look a little more deeply.
The only problem I can see, as you've noted, is future integrity. Improved templating options might be a more stable option in the long term.
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