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Erasing objects/images
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Hello all,

Still playing around here and trying to figure things out. I have a question about erasing images on screen.

I have reproduced the drag and drop exercise in the How to's section. I didn't like the way feedback was given in the example, so I changed it to a thought balloon for feedback. This works ok, but if the user gets it wrong the first time, the first balloon stays on the screen along with the second one. How can I make it so there's just one feedback balloon on the page at a time?

here's how I have my code right now (please note I am useless at coding so please explain it like I were a kindergartner!) I can't copy and paste the code so here is the gist of it:

Checkhit (right answer image)
Display (right answer balloon)
Checkhit (wrong answer image)
Display (wrong answer balloon)
Move - Start (wrong image back to it's original location)

Any hints?
You need to use the display command a second time to hide the baloon if they get it wrong
Thanks, Bob!

I put it in the wrong place the first time, but then figured it out. And it actually makes sense to this non-coder's brain! Amazing.

Thanks again for the help.
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