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Help with Published presentation problem, Please!
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I am still having an issue with SCORM 1.2 on my moodle server. I know moodle has issues with scorm, but this has worked before with courselab, now the 2.4 v is creating a new prob. It is with audio. I have made previous posts. maybe no one else has this issue, fine. If someone can PLEASE help me: Audio just restarts so you hear a doubling of audio. I am using windows Vista (home Premium) and am inserting audio (invisible) and timing actions and objects(format object>appearance) to appear with audio.

I deleted a slide that was doing this and recreated it exactly the same and inserted the audio (.wav) file and problem went away for that slide. Any suggestions? I have a client waiting on these lessons.

Thank you for any assistance.
Hi, Blaine,

It seems that Video objects are doubled for some reason. I still have no suggestions why, yet.
Quick solution: please uncheck "autostart" mark of the Video object and then define action on some event that fit the case (for example on slide's afterdisplay event)
METHOD (yourvideoobject, PLAY)
Doubling should disappear.
I will try that. Thank you.
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