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SWF error in Firefox
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I have a simple piece of content which includes a Flash (.swf) animation on one page. When I view the content in IE it works perfectly. When I view the content in Firefox I can see the Flash animation just fine, but when I click the navigation button to go to the next page I get the following error message:

CallMethod: media_001_flash Destructor undefined

Is this a problem with my content or with Firefox or something else?


Paul Hobbs
Hi, Paul

lack of Destructor could be the problem of pre-2.4 objects on 2.4 run-time. Please update the objects in the module (similar issue is discussed <a href="http://www.courselab.com/db/cle/91E46784BA877B6DC3257419002F0244/main_id/DEB1AE8A7B1B3576C3256FCF0055974C/extended/1/sid//did//forum.html">in this thread</a>).
Hi Paul,
Firefox doesn't totally support some of the functions in Courselab, this is more a case of the development team having to degrade the DHTML so it works on IE Explorer than a failing in firefox!
Have you tried updating the modules objects? This is in the Module drop down menu and is often a good fix for odd problems.
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