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Error syncing video
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I've posted this question before, but did not get any reply. Hope no one will mind if I post it again in hope of some help.

I am trying to play a video throughout the whole module and have the slides change according to the video timing.

Just to test the function out, I added a video on the Master page and at every 10 secs interval, I set it to change the slide.

I added the following into 'Playing Tick':


I am not sure if my codes are wrong or have I put them under the wrong action. At 10 secs, the slide changes accordingly, but at 20 secs, I get a pop-up telling me that my video object is undefined. This pop-up appears every second from then on.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Hi, Eric,

when the video object is placed on master-slide, then all object's events will be stopped after first slide transition - all time action of previous slide (first displayed slide in this case) should be killed to avoid errors.
Please try to use other paradigm: video on first frame of the (regular) slide with All Slide visibility, and GOTO to the frames of the same slide.
Hi Slav,

Thanks for the reply! Just a little problem on my part, where can I find this All Slide visibility option?

Might you be referring to the 'Display' property of the video? If you are referring to the "Rest of frame" or "Rest of slide" option, I've tried them both but the video only appears in the first frame.

Sorry for the trouble.

I was wondering if anyone could point me to the All Slide visibility function that Slav has mentioned in his reply to my question.

Hi, Eric,

I mean the Display property of the object. To set it please select Format object from object context menu, then proceed to Display tab and change Display property from Rest of frame (default value) to Rest of slide. Please note, that in editing mode this object will still visible on first frame only, but will be played in browser on all frames.
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