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Using SLK - Sharepoint Learning Kit
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I started using Course Lab and it looks very cool tool.

What I want to do it create course and tests to be used by SLK
It looks like SLK is not supporting all the features in CourseLab
Is there a best practice guide what features to use in order for it to work with the SLK?

Mainly I am interesting in building quiz and collect the score or it.
Also I noticed that the teacher can't see the answers, even though SLK supports it with it's sample solitaires.zip
hello ,

you have to make a quiz and in the quiz to give for each question e.g. 10 points at the end on another page make a total score table you can find it in the library and select it. Look at the curents result select total, curent score and maximal score. Before publishing in the module properties at objective select : identifier as total maximul points and min and module as yes. Also in the module properties select runtime and select the options. Dont forget before to give the scoring for your question.

the solitare is made by another program not courselab depands what features that one has.
best regards,

I have had the same trouble, however there is a work around for the 'open/save zip file' problem, once you have created the scorm zip file, open it with reload editor available from http://www.reload.ac.uk/. all you have to do is open the zip file, then use reloads zip button to re-zip it. Your package should then work on SLK. This doesn't fix the display answers problem when you click the review button, but if you are only using courselabs for quizes, then you are best using microsoft class server creation tool. this can be extracted from the full class server package.
Hello everybody,

A few days ago i was trying to publish a course (SCORM) in SLK, but I didn't have success.
When I publish the zip file, it doesn't appear online as the solitaire.zip, but the browser asks me if I want to save the file.

How can I publish it in the certain way?
Hi Gady,

I am in the same boat having just downloaded four e-learning packages two days ago. I've started exerimenting with CourseLab (in SLK) as it has the best reviews, but I note it doesn't display the results as in the solitaires.zip exercise. I am getting the final score, but it would be good for all concerned to view how they got it. My thoughts are that I could experiment with the variables to display a text box with their answer ... it might work but t is a lot of effort for something that we should take for granted. If I make any progress with this next week, I'll get back to you.

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