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Error message Test object
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Does anyone know how to get around this error message when using the "test" object:

Call Method: q_099_test EvalAnswer Invalid Character

Thanks, SK
Hi, SK,

the possible reason can be as it stated in alert: invalid character entered in the question answer (presuming that the alert appears when you click Submit answer button on text fill-in-blank question). Some symbols (for example, &, < >) can be potentially erroneous.
Just suggestion.
Thanks for checking this Slav.

I thought it would be useful to add more decription to the problem statement here.

Similar to the test object being used in the "Alexander the Great demo", a action is created in the test object which created a variable "On Success" as Variable(succ, #succ+1, 1). Then a condition is created on "End Test" that will display a textbox based on the result in succ.

Now I am doing the exact same thing for my course but I get that error message: Call Method: q_099_test EvalAnswer Invalid Character. I know that problem is directly related with created the variable succ, because when I delete this varible I do not get this error message. It seems there are requisites for created a variable "On Success" in the test object. Any help appreciated. Regard, SK
Well, perhaps there is some error in expression syntax? It's hard to suggest without a sample (support@courselab.com).

By the way, you can use objective-based approach to create the same thing, using IF SCORE action. The basics of this approach are <a href="http://www.courselab.com/db/cle/C134976E4D666EA6C32574110031FBF9/main_id/DEB1AE8A7B1B3576C3256FCF0055974C/extended/1/sid//did//forum.html">in this thread</a>.
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