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Help in randomizing questions
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Hi guys. I'm very new at creating courses actually. What I want to know if that:

1. can courselab randomize questions that I created?
2. if so, how can I do that?

So sorry if this question has been asked before. I would really appreciate your reply. Thanks
Hi Carlos,
You can randomise the response actions within a question but only in as much as the order changes from 123 to 321 or 213. Randomising the pages themselves, or more specifically the question pages rather than randomly juggling the whole module I don't think is a part of the way the API works.
The SCORM and AICC schema more enforce a pre-defined progression through a module. SCORM 2004 does add some advanced methods of customising the navigation but not randomly as far as I know.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Unfortunately what I have in mind is randomizing the test pages. There's a group here in the Philippines that was able to do this but they used a different authorware (Lectora). I really dont want to use the said software because I'm very much a supporter of the Opensource Community. Anyway, I do hope that one day CourseLab may be able to do this. Looking forward for that day [;)]
Hi Nick, can you also help me with one thing. This is for my listening test where my students need to read all questions first before they can listen to the recording and answer the questions. How can i do that.

Many thanks.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Unfortunately what I have in mind is randomizing the test pages. There's a group here in the Philippines that was able to do this but they used a different authorware (Lectora). I really dont want to use the said software because I'm very much a supporter of the Opensource Community. Anyway, I do hope that one day CourseLab may be able to do this. Looking forward for that day [;)]
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