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How to disable attemps notifiction box
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I would like to disables all attempts functions allowing user to freely answer question any number of times without notification of number of attempts or that going back to the question will reduce the number of attempts?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Daniel,
Make sure that the 'Allow recurring approaches' option is selected.
The user can now return to the question as long as their progress through the module has included that page.
In the questions properties set the number of attempts to a ridiculously high number like 1000. That should be more than enough!!
You may also like to set the 'allow skip' question option to 'just skipped' which allows them to go on to the next item without penalty or closing the question.
Doing this does rather negate the point of having questions to test absorbed knowledge though, which is the point of having the qustions to start with. You might consider just having a learning points section instead with a list of the key points the reader should hav picked up by that point in the module.
Thanks for your reply. More specificly I would like disable the messages box warning "Continued approch. Number of attempts may be decreased." I would also like to disable where it shows i.e., Attempts: 3, below the question. I am automatically routing the student to the slide that contains the correct answer then back to the question once. The number of attempts info is a distraction in my case.

Thanks, I hope this helps.
I think that will need Slav or a member of the development team to answer that one Daniel.
Given the name of the variable holding the number of attempts you should be able to produce a series of actions to handle that kind of response , possibly using the test object in tests. As long that is, as the count is persistent within the module and for that page and doesn't reset on reloading.
Just curiosity on my part, doesn't presenting them with the answer and then returning them to that question so they can answer it correctly rather negate the point of returning to the question?
We are training toward ability to apply data precisly. The content describes how to be competent at something and the sequence of question are gone through by the student until they can answer the sequence correctly without "onfailure" being triggered. The student can then pass to the next skill. After a few time through the student gets it a feels confident he can now do it solo. A challenge rather then a test.
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