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Example eLearning Courses
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The introductory message at MyCourseLab says that it enables one to upload your courses and share it with others.

I am a teacher and I am looking to develop courses that can help learners with remedial maths. Does anybody have a similar course that they would like to share with me?

Similarly I would also like to develop courses that teach people that are computer illiterate with operating the computer - any course similar to that which can give me ideas?

BTW how can one see which courses are available at My CourseLab or is it only when someone explicitly informs you and adds you as a user?
The modules people put here are mostly view by invitation, it might be good to have some more openly accessible user generated modules to demonstrate different techniques or funtions. Some heavily annotated modules for using variables, actions etc would help lots of users.
For your technically challenged users you might find some handy materials in the microsoft templates page! There are a range of power point presentations for the usual office components which are nice examples of structuring learning. There isn't much on very basic use though as it's assumed if you've got to the point of using them you can use the PC already.
You might want some 'show and tell' screen samples so captivate, snaggit or camista would be very useful tools to have access to. Otherwise you can use the timelines options in Courselab to similar effect.
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