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Seeing the results of test
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Grateful if you could help:

I created a "Test" object and a "Current Results" object. I make sure that the "Scored Test" box is checked and set up a couple of questions.

I executed the slide, completed the test, but the results are not displayed. The "Current Results" object remains unchanged.

Could you please advise how to view the results of the Test (i.e. how many were correct/incorrect).

Regards, SK
Are you trying to see the 'results' of
a whole sequence of questions or a single question AND are you looking at these as the user taking the test or as the creator/moderator.
Also is this as a standalone or using a content mamagement system??
It's a slightly different answer in each case!!

Also sounds like you aren't having the scores pushed to the right variables, thats probably the simplist part to sort out.
In the questions properties check that the variable you want is set. This variable will have been defined in the course objectives along with any rules that apply to it.
Hi Nickj - thanks for your swift response.

In response to your questions:
I am trying to see the results of a whole sequence of questions (which can be generated using the "Test" object in the Test Object Library).

I am looking at the questions as a user taking the "test".

This is a standalone system.

Would you have an example of using a "test" object and viewing the aggregate results of the test which you could please email me at: shazad@london.com

There are no examples in the Showcase area that demonstrates the functionality of the "test" object.

The default course objective is called 'Total'. Is this a varible?

Regards SK
Hi SK, I think I get where you're going with this question.
# Total in the objectives is a variable, you can also define your own if you want to.
# The TEST object creates a test and optionally carries the overall result to the variable you've chosen. This object is available so you can make more customised versions of the standard question items available.
# The CURRENT RESULTS object shows you the cumulative total score scaled as a percentage of the available total score for the module.
# The RESULTS BY OBJECTIVES shows you the cumulative score in the objectives you've defined for the module.

The individual results or responses to questions are a different thing and can be passed to an LMS or CMS but the stand alone API doesn't have a mechanism to do this. There isn't a database for it to send the data too and it can't easily make sequential variables to store the results as the module goes along.
If you want to see a sequence of results in a stand alone I'd think you might need to have an objective variable for each question and then show them using the RESULTS BY OBJECTIVES device. This is a bit of a crude way to get around the inherent limitations of a standalone module.

I know this probably isn't hugely helpful but there are limitations incurred by using standalone content.

Oh and sorry I don't have a working sample of this ... If I get time I'll see if I can but I'm a bit stacked up for a while with some major hospital systems upgrades and commitments to a few web site rebuilds.
Hi Nick,

Thank you for helping me understand this.

Based on what you mentioned, am I right in assuming that we can only use the CURRENT RESULTS object once we have a database set up?


Virtually, you can use any of the variables in standalone modules BUT there isn't anywhere to pass them to. You can look at them but only while the module is active as soon as it closes the runtime API shuts down and the results are lost.
Once you have a supporting mechanism, your Content Management System or Learning Management System then that provides the API and will store the results against that users records, and that'll be in a database.
If you want to try this out it's quite easy to install an LMS. I had MOODLE running quite happily on an old laptop with an 800mhz P3 CPU.
Thanks - can we use MS Access as an CMS/LMS?

How would I go about tranfsering the variables created in Courselab to MS Access. There is zero documentation to my knowledge decribing anything related to supporting LMS or CMS.

Also, you mentioned that varibles can be defined in objectives. However, if I wanted to view the contents of this variable in a text box using {{#varible name}} as was mentioned in an earlier thread, it does not work. Any reason why?

Regards, SK
Hi SK,
A database is just a way to store and retrieve data, the L/CMS is just a big suite of functions that wrap an interactive front end to a database. Think of the L/CMS as a the user interface which provides a display mechanism for the modules and other content. In an MS context it would be like a switchboard on steroids!
So there won't be anything documented regarding this kind of use with ACCESS because without extra custom coding to add a front end it isn't what any database is for. Hence you'll only find how to set up the interface to allow the database engine to talk with 'something' supplying data. That will usually be OBDC for access and if it was an L/CMS with MS a BIG VB/C#, PHP and Javascript lump of coding to provide the user interface and the SCORM API interface which is the modules engine.
It will really be finding an LMS or CMS that supports the use of access as a database without re-coding, personally I wouldn't suggest using access for this kind of use unless there was no other alternative available to you.
The reason for this is that the majority of L/CMS platforms were developed on Linux platforms using Linux servers and typically a LAMP configuration (LAMP = Linux Apache Mysql PHP). All of which are free open source software, easy to deploy and very stable with an active developer base.
# LINUX is the usual OS.
# APACHE is the web server of choice.
# (MY)SQL is the usual database as it is very fast, immensely scalable and widely understood.
# PHP is used for the scripting language.
The majority of L/CMS will have been developed to work in a LAMPS environment but often do have variants that run under MS Windows or MS server technology.
Moodle has a windows XAMP (see LAMP above) that will run on a desktop Windows PC or server, it is quite happy on low spec machines too.
Probably the only L/CMS supporting access almost natively is the Learning extension (SLK) for Sharepoint developed by MS, however it's preference is the MS version of SQL which will be the typical back end database on Sharepoint servers.

Have a look through the offerings at UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/cgi-bin/webworld/portal_freesoftware/cgi/page.cgi?g=Software/Courseware_Tools/index.shtml&d=1
Look at a few of the LMS projects and offerings to see what there is available.

On the variables front are you using the correct text box type. There's quite a bit documented on the forum here about that topic which should cover it.
Hi Nick - just wanted to say thanks for your help!

Hi SK...
I'm trying to do the same thing as what you're doing, but no success so far, may be because i don't understand the jargons used in the discussion. Is it OK to send me a copy of the test that you did? If that is possible. My email is norliza@tir.com.my

Many thanks in advance.
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